Wandsworth Council is currently consulting local residents on its ‘Local Plan’ document on developments for the borough across the next 15 years. This plan identifies Tooting as a potential area for regeneration, where proposals include new sustainable transport, improvements to public realm, and contributions to the health and wellbeing of residents.
3. 56 Tooting High Street on the west corner of the Garratt Lane and Tooting High Street junction: The Council are considering using this site for a development of sustainable architecture and urban design, as well as considering the planting of street trees on Garratt Lane.
Further information on these proposals can be found here. Whilst I hold no authority over Wandsworth Council, it is important to me that residents, businesses and organisations have their say on these proposals. If you would like to submit comments on the ‘Pre-Publication’ Draft Local Plan, you must do so before 11.59pm on Monday 1 March 2021 using the following link: https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-policy/local-plan/draft-local-plan-pre-publication/ Comments are closed.
January 2025